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Healthcare Pathways


COVID-19 Update:  We are still open!  We will schedule 1:1 BLS and Heartsaver CPR classes for essential personnel only (Healthcare workers and childcare providers).   To meet the obligation of social distance, Healthcare Pathways LLC will schedule one instructor per 1-2 student.  Healthcare Pathways follows all sanitation guidelines per the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American Red Cross.


Heartsaver First Aid is available online only.  The student will complete the First Aid certification class via a 100% online learning module.


Both Healthcare Professional BLS or Heartsaver CPR can be provided via classroom or blended learning.  For the blended training, the student will complete the online portion prior to class attendance and schedule a 1:1 skills assessment to demonstrate skills learned on the manikin.  Students MUST complete a COVID-19 screening survey​ prior to class attendance.

Classroom & Blended eLearning for Essential Personnel Only
                        Healthcare Provider BLS or Heartsaver CPR Class
                        Classes are 1:1; The instructor and one (1) student.
                        These classes are also available via Blended learning.    
                        First Aid Certification Available 100% online
                        Phone: 443-213-8837 |  Text Only: 443-738-5622

Instructions for Blended Learning Classes:

The student must have access to a computer to complete the online portion!  The Student will pay the fee for the class: $85 for BLS or Heartsaver CPR.  $105 for dual registration of BLS or Heartsaver CPR and First Aid Training.  $85 for First Aid Training only.  After payment is received, an online key code will be sent to the student via email.  Students will complete the online module(s) & print or email certificate of completion prior to class attendance.  Email certificate(s) to The student will attend the onsite class for return demonstration of skills of BLS or Heartsaver CPR.  The First Aid Training is 100% online.

BLS Healthcare Provider CPR Certification per AHA Guidelines $85

BLS for Healthcare Provider (CPR) per American Heart Association  (AHA) Guidelines 



Heartsaver First Aid Certification per AHA Guidelines $85

First Aid Certification per American Heart Association  (AHA) Guidelines 




Dual Registration - Register for both $105

BLS & Heartsaver First Aid Certification per AHA Guidelines

BLS for Healthcare Provider & First Aid per American Heart Association  (AHA) Guidelines



The following class is on hold until further notice due to the

COVID-19 pandemic...Baby Sitting & Childcare Basics Classes - On Hold





Instructions for Blended Learning Classes:

The student must have access to a computer to complete the online portion!  The Student will pay the fee for the class: $85 for BLS or Heartsaver CPR.  $105 for dual registration of BLS or Heartsaver CPR and First Aid Training.  $85 for First Aid Training only.  After payment is received, an online key code will be sent to the student via email.  Students will complete the online module(s) & print or email certificate of completion prior to class attendance.  Email certificate(s) to 


The student will attend the onsite class for return demonstration of skills of BLS or Heartsaver CPR.  The First Aid Training is 100% online.

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